Taufiq Rahman Al Hadid
Taufiq Rahman Al Hadid Hello, My name is Taufiq Rahman Al Hadid. You can call me Taufiq or anything you want. I was born in Pangandaran on july 16th. I am currently studying a first-year graduate student at the Faculty of Education, majoring English Education at the Siliwangi University.

Legend/Myth Reading Log

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Why I am interested to read

Questions before I read



The Legend of Robin Hood

Robin Hood is a character that I heard from cartoons yet I haven’t watched or read his story fully, so I want to know more about him.

Is Robin Hood based on a real event and a real person?

Dangerous Beauty: The Real Story of Gorgon Medusa (1 page).

Medusa is an interesting topic to read because it comes from Greek mythology 

How can Medusa change into snake ?

The Legend of Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang is very well known by all Indonesian people. Even the stone is in the real world that forms a human being kowtowing

Does this malin kundang figure really exist in the real world?



The Origins of Nyi Roro Kidul (Putri Kandita)

When I visited one of the South Beaches, namely Pelabuhan Ratu, I heard that one of the hotels on the beach had a special room for Nyi Roro Kidul, a mystical figure of the Queen of the South Beach which is an urban legend on the South Beach in West Java. Since then, I have been curious about the story of nyi roro kidul

How did the Putri Kandita become nyi roro kidul or queen of the South Coast?


I like romance stories that take place in medieval era. This is one of them.

Who did she end up with?


Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

The story of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih is very well known in Indonesia and this story has been broadcast on TV programmes. Since then, I've been interested in reading this story.

Why was Bawang Putih treated badly by her stepmother and stepsisters?




I love her illustrations. They made me curious about her story.

Is it true that she is not evil and just misunderstood

Dick Whittington and His Cat

As an animal lover, the title is what makes me interested. It implies the adventure of a man and his pet

 What is the problem in the story/

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

This story is quite popular around the world.

 Is this the same story I have heard?



The Fairies of Merlin's Craig

Stories about fairies are always interesting to me since I had a dream to meet a fairy when I was a kid.

 Are the fairies evil/ mischievous?

The Wizard Who Stole Katie's Spell

 I love fantasy stories involving witchcraft. It makes me imagining the story.

 Who stole Katie's spell?


I like the story about pirates and their journeys.

 Are krakens giant squids?

Day 1

Day 1


March 25, 2024




The Legend of Robin hood




-Robin Hood and Sheriff of Nottingham.

Main points of the story

. In Sherwood Forest, outlaws would raid the King’s road between London and York, targeting the wealthy and helping the common folk. Their leader, Robin Hood, fought against unjust lords and sheriffs. Robin’s battles with the Sheriff of Nottingham often took place in Sherwood Forest, where he outsmarted and escaped from the Sheriff. Robin’s legacy as a champion of the needy has grown over time, with his story being retold in various forms and inspiring similar characters around the world.

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It made sense but the story from the website I read didn’t give me the answer that I wanted from the question, Robin Hood story also has moral value in it.


Day 1


March 25, 2024




Dangerous Beauty: The Real Story of Gorgon Medusa (1 page).




-Poseidon, Athena, and Medusa.

Main points of the story

Medusa was a virgin priestess of the goddess Athena. She rejected the advances of Poseidon, the god of the sea, who then raped her on the steps of Athena’s temple. After this, Medusa prayed to Athena for forgiveness, but instead, she was cursed with cracked skin, madness, snake hair, and stone eyes. Banished to a distant island, she became a feared monster. Any man who approached her turned to stone. Angry at the gods for her curse, she sought revenge on those who tried to kill her. Medusa became known as the Gorgon, marking anyone who set foot on her island for death.

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-monstrosity, and diatribe.


TThis is a sad tale. The fact that Medusa is remembered by history more as a monster than as a victim makes her tragically remembered.


Day 1


March 25, 2024




The Legend of Malin Kundang




-Malin Kundang, Mande Rubayah, ship captain and Malin’s wife

Min points of the story

The story of Malin Kundang tells the tale of a young man who leaves his poor mother to seek his fortune. He becomes rich through his travels and returns home with a beautiful wife and a ship full of treasure. However, when he sees his mother in rags waiting for him on the shore, he is ashamed of her and denies knowing her. His mother cursed him, and he was turned into a stone statue. The statue can still be seen on the beach where Malin Kundang left his mother.

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Malin kundang defines peanuts forgetting their skin, when he is successful he forgets his mother who has melted and nurtured him lovingly.

Favorite character of the day: Medusa, people know that she has devilish snake form but after I read her story, it was so sad. She was the victim but she must gone through cruel things, I like her strong character in her story.

Day 2

Day 2


March 26, 2024




The Origins of Nyi Roro Kidul (Putri Kandita)




- Putri Kendati (Nyi Roro Kidul), Prabu Siliwangi, Concubinus and Shaman.

Main points of the story

Kandita was the daughter of Prabu Siliwangi of the Pakuan Pajajaran kingdom. Based on the consideration of Putri Kandita's good qualities, Prabu Siliwangi intended to make her his successor in the future. The king's plan made the concubines and children of the concubines feel jealous. Therefore, they conspired to expel Putri Kandita and the queen from the Pakuan palace. The evil plan of the concubines and the king's children was carried out with the help of a shaman. Princess Kandita and her mother were suddenly stricken with an incurable disease. They were ostracised until they were expelled from the palace at the insistence of the concubines and their daughters. Then she arrived at the south coast and received a whisper to throw herself into the sea to recover from her illness. Miraculously, after throwing herself into the sea, her entire body affected by leprosy gradually disappeared and gained magic. Since then, Princess Kandita has been widely known to various kingdoms in Java as a beautiful and powerful princess called the Queen of the South Coast Sea or Nyi Roro Kidul.

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I got to know the origin of Nyi Roro Kidul. But I'm still not satisfied why she became an urban legend.


Day 2


March 26, 2024




Queen Guinevere





-King Arthur


-Merlin the wizard

Main points of the story

Guinevere, according to Thomas Malory's "Le Morte D'Arthur," is the daughter of King Leodegrance of Cameliard. She initially rejected many suitors but caught the eye of King Arthur when he rescued her father. Despite Merlin's warning about her potential infidelity, King Arthur married Guinevere. Her father, as a dowry, gave King Arthur a round table and one-hundred good knights.

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This is a tragic yet thrilling story. Love and betrayal can’t be separated.



Day 2


March 26, 2024




 Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih 




-Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah, Old Woman and Stepmother.

Main points of the story

Bawang Putih lives with her stepmother and stepsister called Bawang Merah. The stepmother and Bawang Merah are mean and greedy, but garlic is always kind and never hates them. One day, Bawang Putih swiped Bawang Merah’s scarf while washing clothes by the river. Bawang Putih found an old woman who managed to save the scarf so that it did not drift with the river current. However, the old woman gave Bawang Putih a condition to help her with her work. Bawang Putih gladly helped the old woman with all her work and was given a pumpkin as a token of gratitude. Bawang Putih chose a small pumpkin. When she got home, she opened the pumpkin and found that it contained gold and jewellery. The stepmother told Bawang Putih to tell her how she got the pumpkin. The next day, Bawang Merah did exactly the same thing as the story from Bawang Putih. However, when offered a pumpkin by the old woman, Bawang Merah chose a large pumpkin. However, the next unexpected thing happened. Instead of containing more gold and jewellery, the large pumpkin chosen by Bawang Merah was filled with poisonous snakes. For Bawang Putih's kindness and the bad things that happened to them, Stepmother and Bawang Merah apologised to Bawang Putih. Both of them finally realised their mistake and promised not to be sneaky.

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 got the message from this story that we should not be greedy people. In addition, we must also be a good person. If someone does good, God will always help them.

Favorite character of the day: Bawang Putih, because she is a patient figure and also does not easily hate others even though the person has done evil to her. She is also not greedy and always helps anyone who needs help.

Day 3

Day 3


March 27, 2024












Main points of the story

Medusa was a Gorgon with a head of snakes. Unlike her monstrous sisters, she was sometimes depicted as beautiful. Perseus, slayer of Medusa, decapitated her, leading to the birth of Chrysaor and Pegasus from her blood. Her head, capable of turning onlookers to stone, was given to Athena. Heracles obtained a lock of her hair, possessing similar powers, and gave it to Sterope for protection against attacks in Tegea.

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I just found out that the sisters were actually worse than her. She was not even evil to start with.


Day 3


March 27, 2024




Dick Whittington and His Cat




-Dick Whittington


-Mr. Fitzwarren

-Miss Alice

-The king

Main points of the story

It tells the story of a poor orphan named Dick Whittington who travels to London to seek his fortune. Along the way, he meets a cat who becomes his loyal companion. Despite facing many challenges and setbacks, including ridicule and mistreatment, Dick remains determined to succeed. Eventually, his cat proves to be invaluable by ridding London of a rat infestation, earning Dick the gratitude of the city's residents. Through hard work, perseverance, and the help of his faithful cat, Dick rises from poverty to become the Lord Mayor of London.

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I don’t really have much to say about this story. This story is unique and I think children would like it more.


Day 3


March 27, 2024




The Boy Who Cried Wolf




-Shepherd boy


-The sheep

-The wolf

Min points of the story

It's about a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks the villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock of sheep. Each time the villagers rush to his aid, only to discover there is no wolf. Eventually, when a real wolf appears and the boy cries for help, the villagers ignore him, thinking it's another false alarm. As a result, the wolf devours the boy's sheep, teaching him a valuable lesson about the consequences of lying.

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Apparently, I have heard this exact same story, the only difference is the point of view of the character.

Favorite Character of the day: Medusa. She has a tragic backstory and she didn't deserve any of that.

Day 4

Day 4


March 28, 2024




The Fairies of Merlin's Craig




-The poor man

-The master

-The Fairies


Main points of the story

The story is about a community of mystical fairies who reside within the craggy cliffs of Merlin's Craig, a place associated with the wizard Merlin. These fairies are believed to be guardians of ancient wisdom and magic, occasionally revealing themselves to those who are pure of heart and adventurous enough.

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This story is wonderful. It makes me imagine how the story would go if I were to find a fairy.


Day 4


March 28, 2024




The Wizard Who Stole Katie's spell









-Miss Ville


Main points of the story

The story revolves around Katie, who is accused of being a witch and faces prejudice from her classmates. Paul, a popular student, defends her when her spell book goes missing. However, it's revealed that Paul is the one who stole it. Despite this, Katie helps Paul when he gets into trouble, showing her kindness despite the discrimination she faces.

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This kind of reminds me of a TV series episode, but this story has more moral value.



Day 4


March 28, 2024




Kraken/Sea Serpent





Min points of the story

Myths and legends from various cultures depict encounters with gigantic sea serpents, such as the Leviathan in the Bible and the kraken in Scandinavian lore. These creatures were described as massive, with features resembling snakes and capable of wreaking havoc on ships. Despite widespread beliefs, there's no scientific evidence supporting their existence. Many sightings are likely misinterpretations of known marine animals like giant squid, basking sharks, and sea lions.

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Kraken’s appearance could vary depending on different perspectives.

Favorite Character of the day: Katie. She is very nice and forgiving despite what others had done to her.


Taufiq Rahman Al Hadid
Taufiq Rahman Al Hadid Hello, My name is Taufiq Rahman Al Hadid. You can call me Taufiq or anything you want. I was born in Pangandaran on july 16th. I am currently studying a first-year graduate student at the Faculty of Education, majoring English Education at the Siliwangi University.
